Regular Price: $6.25


Price per Unit*:
$4.97 per Toothbrush

*Price Per Unit may reflect product's price per capsule, ounce, fluid ounce, etc.

Review Highlights

Brush you pet's teeth regularly‚ as recommended by your veterinarian.

1 Earth-friendly sustainable bamboo tooth brush.

This product is designed for you to use to brush your pet's teeth. Please use solely for this purpose. Store this toothbrush out of reach of pets and children.

Product Description

Taking care of your pet's dental hygiene is just as crucial as taking care of your own oral health. In fact, it's the most effective way to prevent dental disease and ensure your pet's overall well-being. Dr. Mercola strongly urges pet owners to make brushing their furry friend's teeth a daily habit. With clean teeth, your four-legged companion can enjoy a happier and healthier life. Don't overlook your pet's dental health – it's too important!

Introducing a game-changer in pet dental health! The Healthy Pets Eco-Friendly Pet Toothbrush is more than just a toothbrush - it's a statement of your commitment to sustainability and your pet's wellbeing. Crafted from sturdy, renewable bamboo and fitted with chemical-free, recyclable nylon bristles, this toothbrush is the ultimate eco-conscious choice for your furry friend. Keep your pet's smile shining bright while reducing your environmental footprint with the Healthy Pets toothbrush.

Among bamboo's many outstanding qualities, are its:

✓Incredibly fast growing and regenerative
✓Able to release more oxygen into the air than hardwood trees

The fibrous nature of this magical tool serves a dual purpose: not only does it help keep our furry friends' teeth sparkling clean, but it also provides them with a safe and enjoyable chew toy during brushing sessions. So go ahead and let your pups and kitties sink their teeth into it, you'll be doing their oral health a favor!

Are you ready to give your furry friend the ultimate gift of health? Look no further than a daily dental routine with the Healthy Pets Eco-Friendly Pet Toothbrush. This breakthrough tool is designed to keep your pet's teeth strong and healthy, no matter their age. Whether you're starting early or trying to reverse years of neglect, it's never too late to help your pet maintain optimal health. Don't wait - take action now and give your furry friend the lifelong gift of a healthy smile.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not meant to diagnose‚ treat or cure any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before starting any exercise or nutritional supplement program or before using these or any product during pregnancy or if you have a serious medical condition.

  • MFG # 60042
  • UPC # 813006016230

Product Reviews