
Recommended use:
20 Drops
Servings per container:
30 Servings
Price per serving:
Price per Unit*:
$15.95 per Fluid Ounce

*Price Per Unit may reflect product's price per capsule, ounce, fluid ounce, etc.

Corn Free
Dairy Free
Gluten Free
Soy Free
Sugar Free

Review Highlights

Shake well before use. Take 1 ml (20 drops) 1 to 3 times a day‚ as needed or as recommended by a healthcare professional. Can be taken directly by mouth or added to water or juice.

Serving Size: 20 Drops (1/3 dropper)
Serving Per Container: 30

Amount Per Serving / %DV

Proprietary Blend 1 ml / *
Pau d'Arco Bark‡‚ Echinacea angustifola Root‡‚ Usnea Lichen‡‚ Reishi Mushroom‡‚ Thyme Leaf‡.

*Percent Daily Values (%DV) are not established.

Other Ingredients: USP Grade Vegetable Glycerin and Purified Water.

Non-GMO / Vegan / Sugar-Free / Gluten-Free / Corn-Free / Soy-Free / Alcohol-Free / Potent Formula.

Consult your healthcare professional if your are pregnant‚ nursing‚ taking medication‚ or have a medical condition. Children under 12 and seniors over 65 should always consult with a physician or healthcare professional prior to use. Keep out of reach of children. No refrigeration necessary.

Product Description

This potent herbal blend is designed to bolster your gut and immune health! With pau d'arco bark as its star ingredient, sourced from the Tabebuia avellanedae tree found in Central and South America, it's packed with antioxidants like quercetin, which offer numerous plant-based health benefits. Not only is this blend known to naturally enhance immune function, but it may also help regulate gut bacteria. Recent research has shown that focusing on your gut microbiome is vital as 70% of your immune system is situated in your gut. By prioritizing your gut health, you can provide your immune system with the critical support it requires. Incorporate this Pau d'Arco Herbal Blend into your wellness routine for optimal gut and immune health.

Why make a glycerin-based herbal rather than alcohol-based?:
These botanicals are meticulously crafted through dynamic processes that extract heat-sensitive compounds with glycerin. This technique ensures that the organic compounds found in the herbs remain bioavailable, as they are not denatured or rendered inert by alcohol. The result? A more biologically active and potent product that delivers exceptional benefits.

What does “Organically Grown Herbs, Ethically Wild Harvested or Selectively Cultivated” really mean?
Certified producers are the only ones allowed to use the word "organic" due to legal limitations. While this provides a level of protection for consumers, there are significant pros and cons to consider. Organic certification from the USDA may not guarantee the absence of pesticides and chemical fertilizers--those that are approved by the government can still be used. Additionally, the USDA certification process can be both time-consuming and expensive. So, what is meant by "organically grown"? It means a commitment to cultivating and harvesting herbs using organic methods, non-GMO seeds, and no synthetic fertilizers.

Harvesting medicinal botanicals from their natural habitat can be done ethically through the practice of wildcrafting. By taking only clippings rather than the entire plant and avoiding over-harvesting in a specific region, we can ensure sustainable harvesting practices. Selectively cultivated botanicals require specific cultivation techniques, such as aerating the soil or collecting resin through bark penetration, to promote their growth. Let's prioritize ethical and sustainable harvesting to protect natural resources.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not meant to diagnose‚ treat or cure any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before starting any exercise or nutritional supplement program or before using these or any product during pregnancy or if you have a serious medical condition.

  • UPC # X002GNYT57

Product Reviews