Regular Price: $19.99


Price per Unit*:
$17.14 per Pill Organizer

*Price Per Unit may reflect product's price per capsule, ounce, fluid ounce, etc.

Use as directed by a healthcare professional.

7 day pill storage holds up to 5 large supplements or 10-12 small Rx pills per day.

Not childproof‚ keep out of reach of children.

Product Description

Introducing an elegant solution to keep your daily vitamins, supplements, and medicine organized and accessible. This Pretty Pillbox is a fashionable accessory that showcases your commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Upgrade your daily routine with this sleek and functional essential.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not meant to diagnose‚ treat or cure any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before starting any exercise or nutritional supplement program or before using these or any product during pregnancy or if you have a serious medical condition.

  • UPC # B07BBXK611

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