- ¼ cup flax seed
- 2.5 cups water
- 10 drops geranium essential oil
- 3 drops of tea tree oil
- 1 tbsp. aloe gel
- Cheesecloth
- 8 oz. glass jar
- Easy-pour spout measuring cup
- Pour ¼ cup flax seeds into 2.5 cups of water, and bring it to a boil (about 10 minutes). Make sure to stir often to avoid flax seeds from sticking to the bottom of your pan. The mixture should have a gel-like consistency.
- Let the mixture cool for about 45 minutes. This will allow it to thicken.
- Once cooled, place the cheesecloth over the spouted measuring cup; squeeze gel through cloth to strain the seeds.
- Add aloe vera gel, geranium essential oil, tea tree oil, and mix well.
- Pour the gel into a glass jar, and store it in the refrigerator.