Banyan Botanicals

About Banyan Botanicals
After studying at the Ayurvedic Institute for over 10 years, Scott Cote and Kevin Casey began Banyan Botanicals in 1996 with a mission to supply Ayurvedic goods of the highest quality for public consumption. Scott established the Institute's herbal pharmacy under the direction of Dr. Vasant Lad, where he learned to blend tridoshic-friendly formulas, which have been at the core of Banyan's catalog. These formulas have been favored by practitioners of Ayurvedic therapies for their potency in helping clients achieve a healthy state of balance and well-being.
Through a strategic partnership, Banyan Botanicals' products were some of the first to acquire USDA Organic certification through a farming collective that cultivates herbs specifically grown for Ayurvedic products. In 2003, Banyan successfully transitioned their Albuquerque facility into a USDA Certified Organic facility, which gave them greater control over the quality and efficacy of their products, and allowed them to convert their entire line to organic. With their newly established standards of organic purity, the following years saw Banyan's line expand into a variety of products such as massage oils, balms, weight management supplements, allergy aids, and women's health goods.